Below are all the session that jumped out during my initial scan through the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (April 6-10 in Denver) preliminary program as sessions relating to participatory, feminist, community, activist considerations to mapping and representation.
Schedules and rooms are subject to change, so check in with the official website for the most up-to-date versioning.
Monday, April 6th
8:00 AM / 9:15 AM
Modes of study and world-making in geography: Convening a community of practice within and beyond education Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
Future Space, Imagined Space, and Imaginaries Part 1 Denver, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
Future Space, Imagined Space, and Imaginaries Part 1 Denver, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
11:10 AM / 12:25 PM
Creative, critical, digital? Doing Digital GeoHumanities Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
1:30 PM / 2:45 PM
(Re)(Dis)Locating Black Geographies: Grappling with Present-Futures Space, Knowledge, and Practice of the Black Geographic Mineral Hall D, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
4:40 PM / 5:55 PM
Revisiting explanation in Geography Governors Square 11, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Tuesday, April 7th
8:40 AM / 9:55 AM
Critical Geographies of Mobility Using Digital Data I Governors Square 10, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Looking at the City through Art 1 Century, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
10:15 AM / 11:30 AM
Indigenous Science, Indigenous Geographies Centennial Ballroom, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Indigenous Science, Indigenous Geographies Centennial Ballroom, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Looking at the City through Art 2 Century, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
11:50 AM / 1:05 PM
Cognition and Visualization 2 Plaza Ballroom E, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Housing Justice in Unequal Cities (3): Technologies and Epistemologies Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Housing Justice in Unequal Cities (3): Technologies and Epistemologies Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Looking at the City through Art 3 Century, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
2:25 PM / 3:40 PM
Looking at the City through Art 4 Century, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
4:00 PM / 5:15 PM
Journal of Latin American Geography (JLAG) Annual Lecture: GeoBrujas Grand Ballroom 1, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Second Floor Level
5:35 PM / 6:50 PM
Digital Geographies Keynote Panel Grand Ballroom 2, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Second Floor Level
Indigenous Territoriality and Colonial Cartographic Violence Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
Indigenous Territoriality and Colonial Cartographic Violence Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
Wednesday, April 8th
8:00 AM / 9:15 AM
Feminist Mapping 1: Data and Design Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Community Geography 1: Community engagement and action Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Community Geography 1: Community engagement and action Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
“Slow” Geographies and Ecological-Ethical Dilemmas of International Research Capitol Ballroom 3, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
9:35 AM / 10:50 AM
Feminist Mapping 2: Toolkits and Methods Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Community Geography 2: Community Engagement and Action Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Community Geography 2: Community Engagement and Action Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
11:10 AM / 12:25 PM
Feminist Mapping 3: Inclusivity and Impact Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Community Geography 3: Power and positionality in participatory research Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Indigenous Mapping Conversations with Kanaka Hawaiʻi Cartography Plaza Ballroom D, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Community Geography 3: Power and positionality in participatory research Capitol Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Indigenous Mapping Conversations with Kanaka Hawaiʻi Cartography Plaza Ballroom D, Sheraton, Concourse Level
1:45 PM / 3:00 PM
Feminist Mapping 4: Re-Visiting Feminist Geography and GIS (2002) Governors Square 14, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Engaging in Community-based Participatory Research with Visual Narratives Governors Square 12, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Public Engagement and Environmental Problems
Engaging in Community-based Participatory Research with Visual Narratives Governors Square 12, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Public Engagement and Environmental Problems
3:20 PM / 4:35 PM
Community Geography 4: Creative poster session Agate A/B, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Community Geography 4: Creative poster session Agate A/B, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Critical Feminist Methods: Investigating gendered bodies, spaces, and struggles Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
4:55 PM / 6:10 PM
Critical feminist research methods II: Investigating gendered bodies, spaces, and struggles Director's Row I, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level
Election Mapping Plaza Ballroom D, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Election Mapping Plaza Ballroom D, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Cities and the abject: materialities, beings, and spaces Granite A, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Thursday, April 9th
Geography Education: Perspectives on Advancing K-12 Learning Gold, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Majestic Level
1:45 PM / 3:00 PM
Critical Indigenous Environments: Water, Resources, Energy, and Decolonizing Nature Governors Square 9, Sheraton, Concourse Level
4:55 PM / 6:10 PM
Feminist visualization: emerging methodologies interrogating power and representation Plaza Court 3, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Author Meets Critics: Matthew Edney’s “Cartography – The Ideal and Its History” Plaza Court 7, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Friday, April 10th
Geographies of Digital Power 1 Governors Square 10, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Mapping as Method, Plotting as Praxis: Slavery, the University, and the Undercommons Mineral Hall D/E, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
Mapping as Method, Plotting as Praxis: Slavery, the University, and the Undercommons Mineral Hall D/E, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
9:35 AM / 10:50 AM
Geographies of Digital Power 2 Governors Square 10, Sheraton, Concourse Level
Public Engagement and Environmental Problems Tower Court B, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Second Floor Level
Public Engagement and Environmental Problems Tower Court B, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Second Floor Level
1:45 PM / 3:00 PM
A People’s Atlas of Detroit: Charting a Way Forward for Research and Organizing Director's Row E, Sheraton, Plaza Building, Lobby Level